Saturday, September 5, 2015

Please Set Goals

Well, contrary to my own belief as well as popular belief, it is possible to get yourself out of a rut. For most of the summer actually, I have been biding my time waiting for better opportunities to come along, from a lower pain level to going away to college. Unfortunately, biding my time was not as enjoyable as I expected it to be, so after a few months of it, my body as well as my mind was stuck in a rut routine of doing nothing. Thankfully though, God is on my side, so I am slowly building up my strength to be ready to go to UC Davis in a few weeks! 15 days until move in day, to be exact. It's amazing how some sort of goal can really change your perspective on the present. My goal is to be ready physically, mentally, and emotionally to go to Davis. Davis has been my goal for the past two years, and now that I am finally merely days from achieving it, I am acquiring some new goals. Even though it sounds kind of crazy to be making new goals before achieving my current ones, it keeps me on top of my game. I'm sure not all people are like me, but everybody has that one thing that makes them tick, keeps them motivated even in the slowest, most boring times of their lives. Hopefully, this past summer will have been my slowest, most boring time of my life because that means that I am at least going to enjoy my next few months! However, even if you aren't as keen on setting goals for yourself, it is still a smart thing to do. Having set goals, if they are positively realistic, will give you motivation for the important things in life. I'm not saying that you need to sit down with a pen and legal pad and write down your goals for life, love, happiness, houses, etc., or even make any kind of record of your goals, but I am merely suggesting that you record your goal in your mind. Right about now, I'm sure some of you are wondering why you should take life advice from an eighteen year old girl with migraines, and frankly, I'm wondering that myself. Logically, I don't know why God wants me to keep this blog, because I have not even lived through half of my lifespan, yet I am giving others tips on how to live a long happy life. I do know, however, that if I followed every single one of my logical thoughts, I would not still be seeing my doctor, and I most definitely would not have a relationship with God. There is a time in your life for logic, a time for faith, and a time to combine them. When you set goals for yourself, the goal needs to be thought of through a logical method of thinking, but you also need to have faith that God will give you grace to make some mistakes along the way. One of the mistakes I often make with goals is that I expect myself to accomplish them quickly and easily, no matter how unattainable they may seem. I expect a lot from myself, more than I am capable of, so the person I disappoint most in my life is myself. Again, thinking logically, I should just have lower expectations of myself right? Yeah, no... it's just not that easy for me. The thing is, everybody is unique. None of you is going to completely relate to every single thing I post on this blog, but hopefully all of you will be able to relate to at least a single thing on this blog, and I guess that is the reason why I write to you. God works in mysterious ways. Have faith and trust that God will guide you in every step of the way when setting goals for yourself. Most importantly, set your goals for God's timeline, not your own. If you try to rush or drag on your life, you could miss the best parts of it. God's timeline is perfection, even though we cannot see the whole thing.
"Then the Lord said to me, 'Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.'"
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Love always,

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