Thursday, October 8, 2015

A God-Filled Life

So you know how you have those moments where all of a sudden, you're completely aware of God's presence? You feel him in the people next to you, in the music, and He even fills in the nooks and crannies! In that moment, you hear God's voice in your head telling you, "This is where you are meant to be. This moment. These people. These experiences. You are my perfect child, following my perfect plan." Your heart beams with happiness and love, and you breathe in the Holy Spirit. Since I have arrived at UC Davis, God has blessed me with these moments of awakening every single day, and that is how I know that I am where I am meant to be. The exhaustion, pain, stress, and worry are all worth it, because for the first time in years, happiness is overflowing in my life. I'm not saying that I have been unhappy for the past three years, but I did not see my life as the blessing it truly is. When pain is a daily part of your life, it takes a lot of effort to look past it and see the good things. I have found that when I am busy doing things I choose to do, I am happy, whether I am choosing to do church, school, hang outs with friends, etc. If I am choosing to spend my energy on it, I am determined to enjoy it. Part of the struggle of high school was that it was forced on me. I had no choice but to spend six hours of my day at school (on the days I could make it to school at least). Since I am stubborn and always find little ways to do everything my own way, I "rebelled" against the forced six hours of school by choosing to do AP classes. Looking back, I see that my main motivation for AP classes was God. He told me to push myself because He knew I could succeed, and now I have. Okay so I'm about to say something really cheesy that I hated hearing, but now I see that it is true. Ready? Here goes: there is a point to your suffering. Good will come of it. It SUCKS to suffer, but you truly will become a better person because of it. I feel like I can tell you this now because I'm not done with my suffering, so I'm in the same boat you are. The only difference is that I have arrived at the point in my life where I am starting to see the good things that can and will come from my headaches. College really does change you. For the first time ever, I am in charge of my own life, and there are lots of things that I could do with that. I expected myself to take charge the second I got the chance, but I felt myself holding back. I was in a holding pattern until I found my new community. Coming to Davis, I knew I wanted to start off early with a church group. I planned on trying a different youth group every night of the first week, but then all of a sudden it was Friday and I hadn't been to one. So, I told myself that I was going to go to church on Sunday, whatever church I could get to. The thing was that I needed a ride to church, so I literally typed "UC Davis rides to church" into Google, and once I vetted the website, emailed them for a ride. It worked out perfectly, and I knew the second I sat in the car that I was where I was meant to be. I saw God in the people, felt the Holy Spirit in the church, and felt the love and open arms of the congregation. Every single time I have been with the people of the youth group, I have felt God with us. I have felt God more in the past three weeks alone than I have in the past three months. This is why I can give you cheesy advice, because God has proven it to be true. God has proven to me that my pain will continue bringing good into my life. I can tell you firsthand that God will prove it to you as well. Your pain will bring good. The pain will still be pain, and it will still suck, but God will also still be with you every step of the way. All He needs you to do is accept His help. Literally, he is just waiting for you to accept him. That is ALL you need to do. He will do the rest. And I can promise you that it will be worth it.
"If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
Romans 10:9
Love always,

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