Sunday, June 14, 2015

Seemingly Lost Potential

So now it’s time to get back to my chronological storytelling of my past. Well after the lumbar puncture I started missing more and more school. It got to point where most mornings I would wake up and begged to stay home from school just because I felt like I was in too much pain to go to school. Luckily my parents were smarter and knew that I was tougher than I thought I was. They could see how strong I was even though I couldn’t see it in myself. I now have been through more than I ever thought was possible, with more to come, and I have still been successful in my endeavors. I am in currently in two AP classes and I am loving them. I started off this year in 3 AP classes but I soon realized that that was not realistic. I started off this year thinking that I would get better easily and quickly and be able to keep up in all three AP classes. I soon fell behind in all of them and I had to choose which ones to keep for second semester. I am a science nerd all the way so it killed me to have to drop AP biology, especially since I want to become a doctor. Soon, I’m going to have to do a whole lot of biology so I would’ve loved to have that base knowledge of biology before I head off to college. Although I had to take biology off the schedule, I still get to enjoy two AP classes and while I am behind in both of them, my teachers are amazing. I have proven to others and myself that while I might not get things done on time, I always get them done. My teachers can see that I truly do love learning, especially in subjects that I love, like calculus. Although English is not my favorite subject, it has been fascinating to understand Shakespearean literature and able to apply it to our lives today. 
My point of all of this jargon about my school schedule and my work ethic is to prove to the people out there who are struggling in some way that it is possible to be successful while being sick. It is definitely not easy. It has been and will be the hardest thing I do in my entire life. I expect more from myself then other people expect from me. I let myself down more than I let other people down, but I have learned where my limits are and how to spend my time wisely. I have five weeks left in high school, and I am going to graduate with more than just barely scraping by as passing. I am going to be proud of what I have accomplished despite all of the outside issues that have directed my life for the past two years. 
I don’t have cancer or another disease that is even more debilitating than mine, but I am still proof that just because your body is sick doesn’t mean all of you is sick. It seems like you have all this potential to unlock that you can’t get to, but you are just skimming the surface of what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Do not lose faith in God’s plan. 
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭16-17
Love always,

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